General information:
Gilberto Morales Business Development Subdirector
Do you have specific inquiries about Pilba Industrial Park?
Conectividad a través de principales carreteras:
The automotive cluster has more than 300 companies such as Honda, Mazda, Volkswagen and Nissan, that generate a reliable high-quality supply chain.
State and local Governments, committed with the automotive cluster, generate favorable conditions to increase the quality of life, investing on infrastructure, education, parks and recreation. Also with a variety of cultural and culinary services.
In addition to the 24/7 controlled access, PILBA has an agreement with the Public Police Department. They check out the park and verify the security protocols twice a day.
The flat orogrphy of the land lots allows the reduction of costs for earthworks, optimizing the projects.
For purchasing land, the client can select the construction company to build their industrial facility. Also, PILBA throug Frontier Industrial can build the project.
With an annual production of 765,000 vehicles and a projection of 1,410,000 for the next 5 years, the productive cluster has a value of USD $32 Billion
Guanajuato State has an estimated of 975 companies, and 75% of them export their products to countries such as U.S, Canada, Germany, China, Japan, Korea and Italy.
The value fo this economic activity is of USD $8 Billion